is currently in the beta testing stage, but it performs much like a finished product. They will take on the current providers of DNS Filtering and with their disruptive pricing I believe the could be at the top of the heap in the next few years.

I use the service our public WiFi Hot Spots. I will likely replace our Barracuda devices with the service if they deliver everything on their website!

From the site:



Protect your network. And your wallet.

DNSFilter is a cloud-delivered DNS based content filtering and threat protection service that protects an unlimited amount of networks without the need for any in-house hardware or appliances. Our affordable pricing model is based upon usage, allowing our service to scale to your network requirements in real time.

We have eyes everywhere.

In addition to content filtering, DNSFilter also blocks adware, malware, botnet, phishing and other threats over any
port, protocol or app and detects and contains advanced attacks before they can cause damage.


DNSFilter reports and charts network activity in real-time. You can drill down into each event for more security insight. There is a good chance that you are being targeted if your security events make up a sizable portion of what the world has encountered, or if this specific event was the first one seen worldwide.

Go sign up for the beta!

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