Today UniFi 5.2.7 was officially released to the public.

The UniFi SDN from Ubiquiti Networks just gets better with each release. In this video we will upgrade from our 5.2 controller to 5.2.7. There have been MANY bug fixes and enhancements. I suggest you test this version out if you have been having any issues. Here are a list of the fixes and enhancements:

New Features:
Add Static Routes and Firewall rules (beta) in Settings.
Add Auto Backup in Settings.
Add Remember me to login page (extend session timeout to 24h).
Device details: Add Channel Utilization.
Added minimum rate and beacon control for UAPs
Added memory usage and load average to AP and switch details
Added the ability to config gateway, switch and AP LED on/off state
Added LED config option to device General config form
Added smart banner for iPhone/iPad devices.
Add DPI category/app/client views in Statistics.
Allow overriding angular Hotspot Portal files.

Controller Bugfixes/Changes from 5.0.7:
Disable Custom Upgrade when Auto Upgrade is on.
Fix wrong number of devices in channel occupancy graph on Dashboard.
Fix select maps dropdown.
Store less, fetch more approach to insights, alerts, events, settings, admins.
UI performance improvements.
Add configurable list of languages in Hotspot Portal.
Store less, fetch more approach to networks, site health, known clients and other insights data.
Allow admin accounts to login to hotspot as a fallback.
Throughput graph: display correct value of avg throughput in download tooltip.
Added alias config to configuration of phone property panel.
Fixed for printing vouchers over WebRTC.
Backup settings only without historical data.
Added latency formatting filter.
Added warning to confirm modal for upgrade/update.
Improved WebRTC handling.
Quick Stats: prevent displaying arrows without values.
Fixed “view all” for known clients and neighboring APs.
Map coordinates stored as floats instead of strings.
Added browser warning for non-Chrome/Firefox browsers.
Pending changes label more verbose.
Added warning before closing all property panels if any docked panels have changes.
Fix client uplink sort to account for switch port.
Expose SDN log level.
Added SV and NL languages for hotspot portal.
Added handling of events pushed from backend.
Added TURN support for debug terminal.
Improved RF environment.
Added Polish translations.
Fixed editing image maps.
Added sorting hotspot packages.
Fixed sorting PoE power.
Added RADIUS port for network configuration.
Added sites overview device list.
Added mirroring port and WLAN group ZH tooltips.
Transition switch port diagram between PoE and blocking icons.
Split switch icons into PoE into PoE+ and 24V PoE.
Update Debian dependency, to allow Oracle Java (this allows you to remove OpenJDK, if desired. This can save space on CK).
Add UK to countries supported by Stripe,.
Added shorter time filter options for neighboring AP insight.
Fixed INFORM_ERROR state and allow adopting in this state.
Fixed http hostname lookup during app load.
Setting default autobackup expression to monthly.
Added preference for disabling websocket.
Fixed case when there is no selected map.
Added bandwidth info of neighboring AP, and grey out RSSI if too old.
Changed property panel adopt icon to blue.
Improved stability of WebRTC connections.
Added new rfscanning state.
Added model with data retention update.
Enabled autobackup during initial setup.
Added pt_PT language to hotspot portal.
Do not allow read-only users to create vouchers.
Added search functionality to site overview modal and full page.
Added alert count to site overview pages.
Show more than just “Enabled” for WLAN overrides.
Renamed state from “Pending approval” to “Pending adoption”.
Adopt button in panels use reverse and round action icon style.
Show backend version in controller settings.
Added performance improvements on device page.
Added check device firmware update button to settings.

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