From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU! to everyone who has helped get us to 5,000 subscribers!

One of my subscribers is going to supply either an EdgeRouter, EdgeRouter X with UAP-AC-LR, or USG to the winner of the contest. I will also give some free consulting time to the winner to help them successfully deploy the device!

I want your best OH SH!T IT moment. Whether you are in IT full time or not, if you tinker with technology submit your story!

Please post your story by Sunday January 15, 2017. I will then post a video of the top 3 stories and we’ll announce the winner on January 18, 2017!

Buy your UniFi Gear Here:
UniFi Mesh:
UniFi USG:
UniFi Cloud Key:
UniFi Switch 8-150:
UniFi Switch 8-60:
UniFi Switch 8:
Support my channel and keep the lab growing!

SUBSCRIBE! THUMBS-UP! Comment and Share!