Welcome to Episode 1 of Security Satuday. Next week I’ll say “uh” less!
Story links from this episode-
Verifone Breach – https://krebsonsecurity.com/2017/03/payments-giant-verifone-investigating-breach/

StoneDrill Malware – http://usa.kaspersky.com/about-us/press-center/press-releases/2017/From_Shamoon_to_StoneDrill-Advanced_New_Destructive_Malware_Discovered_in_the_Wild_by_Kaspersky_Lab

DOJ Tor – https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2017/03/doj-drops-case-against-child-porn-suspect-rather-than-disclose-fbi-hack/

Dem’s ransomware woes – http://www.pennlive.com/politics/index.ssf/2017/03/hackers_attack_pa_senate_democ.html

Vault 7 – https://wikileaks.org/ciav7p1/

Hak5 – https://hak5.org

Tim Bare – Logo Design and WordPress Design – https://www.tbare.com

Always be thinking about how you can apply the concept of least privilege in your life!

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Twitter – @WillieHowe
Instagra – @howex5

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