UniFi Access Point Selection
Ever wonder how you can use each of the UniFi access points available? Check this video out! We
Ever wonder how you can use each of the UniFi access points available? Check this video out! We
Check it out! The EdgePoint R6! An EdgeRouter for WISPs meant to be mounted directly outside! Run
In the most UNSCIENTIFIC experiment to date, we look at the throughput of my UAP AP HD vs my UAP
Sometimes you need to do a 1:1 NAT translation. With an EdgeRouter this couldn’t be easier! Follow this
In the last config video we setup Dynamic DNS with a Google Domain. Because of some of the limitations
Can you spy on your partner? A government loses citizen biometric information. Google DOCS! DDDrones.. Malwarebytes can
Configure your UniFi USG for dynamic DNS using Google DNS! UniFi 5.4.15 is out so we’ll upgrade that too! Need
Are you going to make changes to your UniFi and EdgeOS devices? Make sure you’re keeping up-to-date copies of
Search for data breaches with the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse. The FCC did what?? Stingbleeding your cable modem.
Using EdgeSwitches with your UniFi Access Points? Learn how to configure port isolation for wireless broadcast control on your